Where's Waldo

My daughter started college this week; moved into her dorm last week. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, throw some salt, avoid black cats, don't walk under a ladder ... everything's been great so far and she is having an awesome time. She will definitely be the smartest one in our family in six months. In addition to her brain becoming larger, she also has already met a ton of cool new people, including a guy on her dorm floor named Waldo. While my daughter now knows where Waldo is, it reminded me of a discussion on #EconTwitter from this past summer initiated by Arpit Gupta . Arpit posed a question not about Where's Waldo? , but rather about Where's the Data? . Specifically, he asked about the way that many (most?) applied researchers seem to gloss over issues of missing data when conducting empirical analyses. Either ignoring the issue completely, or, at best, relying on ad hoc and unjustified work-arounds. With missing data, values for variables being used in the a...