It All Stacks Up

Mark Twain famously quipped, "The rep ort of my death was an exaggeration." As with Twain, reports of #EconTwitter's demise has also been grossly exaggerated. Case in point, an interesting econometric question was posed by Casey Wichman . The question concerned testing hypotheses containing parameters estimated from two different specifications (where one specification is estimated using only a subset of the observations used to estimate the other specification ... but that does not change anything). Several individuals immediately offered a solution: stacked regression . Hat tip to those responding to Casey, especially Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham 's detailed response. Nonetheless, it seemed like a great topic for a new blog post. I recall hearing the term -- stacked regression -- discussed during graduate school. Like many things at the time, I did not really understand what it meant. As a young professor, I also often heard discussions about stacking moment conditions...