Tail Wagging the Dog

So, it snowed in North Texas over night. There is at least 0.25 inches. Of course, that means all schools are closed for at least today and tomorrow. Likely the day after as well. Seems like a good time to turn on Netflix and write another post. I have wanted to write this one for a while, but it also came up during lecture on Monday. And, that may be the last lecture I give this week. The topic of the lecture was very straightforward: omitted variable bias. All empirical researchers understand omitted variable bias; omission of relevant covariates relegates them to the (composite) error term and biases the estimated coefficients when using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) if the omitted covariates are correlated with included covariates. However, we know more than just the fact that OLS is biased in this situation. We also know the formula for the bias. How do we know this? Well, I will tell you what is not the answer to this question. We do not answer this question by st...