The Great Divide, Part II

My previous post entitled " The Great Divide " has generated a lot of engagement on Twitter and some on Blue Sky. I am very humbled by that. I am humbled that people read any of my blog posts. There has been some push back, some wholehearted agreement, and perhaps some muting of which I am not aware. Nonetheless, given the feedback, I thought I would continue the discussion and (maybe) better frame my thoughts. Most of the (vocalized) pushback has centered on the steps taken by theorists, particularly since the Credibility Revolution started, to be relevant. Many theorists are attuned to various degrees to applied work. Some theory journals as well as pointed out by Jaap Abbring, the current managing editor of Econometrics Journal , which describes itself as follows on its website: This is great. Many theory papers are indeed motivated by concrete examples, contain running examples, and may even include an application. Publicly provided code is not uncommon either. I think ...